Vacuum Sewer System News

The City is proactively checking locations throughout the vacuum sewer system daily and responding to customer inquiries. 

For 24 Hour Utilities Customer Service please call: 407-688-5100.

The City of Sanford’s vacuum sewer system was installed 30 years ago, primarily for the residential community downtown. This system was less disruptive to retrofit into the older neighborhood than traditional gravity sewer, but requires more ongoing maintenance.  The vacuum main pipelines and valve pits are installed through alleyways and alongside existing infrastructure and utilities such as gas and telephone lines, making regular maintenance quite challenging. Recent storms and heavy rainfalls may have further damaged the system, causing more stormwater intrusion. In addition, the City of Sanford has experienced commercial growth downtown over the last few years.  The system was not designed for the high volume of sewage at certain times and days that commercial usage generates. The vacuum sewer system installed in the 1990’s has been underperforming of late, and staff has spent extraordinary time and effort to keep it operational.

The City’s utilities crews have been trying to keep up with the maintenance of approximately 500 vacuum pits, by replacing parts when available. However, shortage of talented staff and supply chain issues have further resulted in delays. Based on recommendations from the manufacturer of the system (Airvac), the City is pursuing emergency procurement of replacement and upgraded valves, pumps and other equipment that will significantly improve reliability and performance of the system. Staff will be meeting with a new engineering consultant experienced with design and construction of this specialized type of system to plan for improvements beyond the immediate upgrades.

Other improvements currently in design include construction of three lift stations, for the Willow Tree, Tuffy’s and the Sanford Brewing Company. These lift stations will relieve pressure off the overwhelmed vacuum system, connecting the three high volume wastewater generators directly to gravity sewer lines. 

In addition, the City is investigating and repairing other sources of groundwater intrusion into the vacuum system, including individual customer service lines and other contributing gravity pipelines.

For 24 Hour Utilities Customer Service please call: 407-688-5100.

Thank you for your patience as we improve our service to you.


City of Sanford, FL | The Friendly City

We are currently experiencing operational issues at the City’s North Water Reclamation Facility. This facility produces the majority of the City’s reclaim water.  We are currently limiting the hours of operation for our reclaim water system from 8:00 PM-8:00 AM. Please keep in mind the pressure will be low to very little until this is resolved.